Projet Knowledge Network Of Workable Emergency Medical Systems (KnowEMS)

Projet Knowledge Network Of Workable Emergency Medical Systems (KnowEMS)

Knowledge Network Of Workable Emergency Medical Systems

The objective of KnowEMS is to create a strong network of EMS providers, connect the network to other civil protection actors and create opportunities for exchange, sharing, and learning between EMS operations managers.

Steps ahead

  • Create a strong network of EMS operations managers, with strong involvement of Civil Protection (CP) and public safety actors.
  • Organize series of monthly virtual meetings to discuss issues of interest (lessons observed from operations,trainings, simulations, challenges and dilemmas, preparedness activities etc.).
  • Facilitate the participation of EMS experts in meetings, simulations and conferences, to bring the voice of EMS actors to the attention of CP and public safety actors and listen to their views, in order to bring EMS closer to crisis management actors.
  • Share the knowledge accumulated in KnowEMS through the UCPM Knowledge Network, and other fora, to allow growing of the sector by effective exchange